Participating institutions

CERPE: China-Europe Research Platform on Chinese Migration to and beyond Europe

ICMThe French Collaborative Institute on Migration

CNRS: The French National Center for Scientific Research

Paris City Hall: Funded research program Emergence(s) "The Chinese Population in Paris: Identities and Identifications under Transformation"

CERMES3Centre for Research in Medicine, Science, Health, Mental Health, and Society

MAFResearch Network on Migration from East and Southeast Asia in France

EHESS: The School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences

ENS de Paris: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris

INSERM: The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research

University of Paris

Inalco UniversityInstitut national des langues et civilisations orientales

MITRA: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree in Transnational Migrations


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